August Newsletter - Board Follow-up, community initiatives and more!
/Welcome to the new TMVA Website!
First, we'd like to welcome our newly elected TMVCA Board Members:
1. President - Brendan Medairy
2. Vice President, General - Sara Judd
3. Vice President, Membership - Justin Levy
4. Vice President, Zoning & Planning - Lee Medairy
5. Treasurer - Joe La Bella
6. Recording Secretary - Jane Grant
7. Corresponding Secretary - Everest Brooks
We had a successful board meeting on 08/31, introducing both the board and reviewing our biggest community concerns in front of not only Councilman Mike Ertel, but also Senator Mary Washington. We warmly welcome their presence and deeply appreciate the support they've already shared for our neighborhood and its future.
Since the meeting, VP of Zoning & Planning Lee has already gotten the ball rolling on the rat abatement issue. Abatement was marked previously, but had not been completed. We're scheduled in and should see this completed within the next 30 days.
Our new green initiative of replanting trees is also underway. So many of our sidewalks and our own park have a noticeable lack of shade(and curb appeal). This completely free initiative from Baltimore County Forest Management will be taken advantage of by the board, as we decide which larger areas can become home for new Sycamore and elm trees. Smaller trees such as the red maple and hackberry are also available for smaller areas.
1. If you are interested in having a tree near your home, let us know - we will contact the county on your behalf. We just need your name, phone # and address,
2. The planting and initial growth care will be managed by the county
Code Enforcement is an ongoing concern. The board is re-organizing and creating a more efficient front to formalize and follow-through on any issues. We will reach back out to our community when that effort is fully ready. In the meantime, we've looked into concerns raised at the meeting regarding "false advertising" in property listings - especially with bedrooms. As we know, both growing families and property owners are seeking to increase capacity. Here are the legal requirements for a converted space to be coded as a "bedroom":
1. Is used for sleeping
2. Has a minimum head clearance of 7.5 feet
3. Has a door for entrance and privacy
4. Has an emergency exit, such as an egress window(24x20 so that’s the size of the window when it’s fully open.)
5. Has a closet (however, this is debatable)
6. Has adequate lighting, ventilation and electricity
As you can see, these requirements aren't terribly difficult to meet with the layout of our homes. However, should you feel a listing is not correct, please contact us.
Our priorities remain on both the maintenance and safety of our community, however, we're eager to improve our public events to unite our neighbors and create a true sense of "home" for all who reside in Towson Manor Village.
With that, we're pleased to announce our first event! TMV's "Back To School" Night, sponsored by The Music Space will be held on 09/10/2023 starting at 2PM at Towson Manor Village Park. Students will be performing, refreshments will be provided - we highly encourage you to bring a chair, your kids, dog and hang out with us!